The Industrial Engineering Graduate Program (PPGEI) consists of a Professional Master's Degree, created in 2012 and recognized by CAPES, is part of the set of programs linked to the Institute of Technology at the Federal University of Pará.

As a stricto sensu Post-Graduation modality, the Professional Master's degree is aimed at training professionals in the various areas of knowledge, through the study of techniques, processes, or themes that meet any demand in the labor market.

The PPGEI aims to offer training in science and technology, aiming at the use of this knowledge for the industrial sector, research and teaching, that is, to promote the socioeconomic development of the Northern region of Brazil through scientific-technological and professional improvement aimed at the particular needs of public and private companies, thus improving the production process of different natures.

The master's degree has already awarded 43 masters in Industrial Engineering, with classes trained in Manaus, Belém and Marabá.

Currently, PPGEI is coordinated by professors José Maria do Vale Quaresma and Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares Dias. It has the collaboration of professors from UFPA and IFPA and has 60 active students.